About All Pets Wellness Foundation
Quite simply, the All Pets Wellness Foundation (APWF) was founded to save the lives of animals by addressing a pressing situation seen every day in our country. The APWF will assist in decreasing the number of companion animals euthanized before they reach what should be their natural end of life by providing funding to families whose pet has a life threatening illness or injury.
Anyone who has had a companion animal as part of their family knows there is a risk that their pet may someday require an expensive medical procedure to save their lives. We all hope this day will never come, but unfortunately it does occur. Sadder yet is the fact that regardless of how prepared a family tries to be, there are instances when the medical treatment needed to save their pet’s life is beyond the family’s financial means. In these instances, the difficult decision must be made to either euthanize their pet or relinquish them to an animal shelter.
The APWF was founded to help assist in closing this financial gap and keep pets healthy and where they belong, with their family. By working with pre-approved partner veterinarians, APWF ensures the greatest level of fiscal responsibility for our donors and in return our donors know they are literally saving the life of a beloved family pet.
Our application process for both the family requesting assistance and the doctor’s seeking to partner with the APWF are detailed and all applications are reviewed by a committee of professionals, including veterinarians and people with strong financial backgrounds. Our goal is not to make getting help difficult, but we understand our responsibility to our donors to have procedures in place to maximize the use of their financial support.
The All Pets Wellness Foundation cannot exist without the support from people like you. Please visit our Support page to learn more on how you can get involved and save the life of an animal in need.